We started off this week with the OCA (Ontario Comprehensive Assessment). This is an assessemtn we use to measure reading comprehension. We look at different outcomes to see where each student is excelling or required additional support. We record all results on a spread sheet, so we have the information to help guide classroom instructiona and to revisit when we complete the second OCA in the Spring.
The ELPA (English Language Provincial Assessemnt) is an assessment that will need ot be completed this school year. This is a very important assessment, as it is a graduation requirement. The students learned what the assesment tests and what to expect. If you need addition information, please click on the ELPA link to the right of this page.
We continue to complete our silent reading at the beginning of classes and again for the whole class on Wednesdays. The students brought home a form explaining this system. Please sign and return this form at your earliest convenience.
We also discussed the General curriculum outcomes and the Specific curriculum oucomes. These are the skills that each student is expected to do well in order to be successful in English. These are posted in the classroom and are reviewed each time we change units and lessons. This is to make sure that students know what is expected of them and why. There is also a link on the right hand side of the page for further informtion.
On Thursday, I did a mini lesson on completing a a reading response journal. These are the journals that they complete every Friday. They now have all the inofrmation to be successful duing Friday's class.
This has been a busy week! Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have!.
The ELPA (English Language Provincial Assessemnt) is an assessment that will need ot be completed this school year. This is a very important assessment, as it is a graduation requirement. The students learned what the assesment tests and what to expect. If you need addition information, please click on the ELPA link to the right of this page.
We continue to complete our silent reading at the beginning of classes and again for the whole class on Wednesdays. The students brought home a form explaining this system. Please sign and return this form at your earliest convenience.
We also discussed the General curriculum outcomes and the Specific curriculum oucomes. These are the skills that each student is expected to do well in order to be successful in English. These are posted in the classroom and are reviewed each time we change units and lessons. This is to make sure that students know what is expected of them and why. There is also a link on the right hand side of the page for further informtion.
On Thursday, I did a mini lesson on completing a a reading response journal. These are the journals that they complete every Friday. They now have all the inofrmation to be successful duing Friday's class.
This has been a busy week! Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have!.