This week we worked on reviewing the 6 + 1 Traits of Writing.
Monday and Tuesday the students received a self check list too help them when completing any writing assignment in class. We spent this week learning/reviewing the trait of Voice. This is sometimes a difficult trait for students, especially when asked to create voice in their writing. When students are dealing with Voice they usually encounter inferring. I usually use examples from children's literature to illustrate concepts and then use more grade/age appropriate material to make sure it is properly understood. We read The Paperbag princess by Robert Munch to illustrate inference (ie. It does not say that the princess loves Ronald, but we know that she does. How do we know?). We then use the novel, "The Book Thief" to practice. We also completed 2 different graphic organizers to help us remember the trait.
Wednesday we had our silent reading class.
Thursday we practiced writing with Voice. The students received a character card that included limited information about a person. The students had to write a "Dear Diary" entry from the perspective of that person. In order to do this the students had to infer. We the picked some students to share. These were great and some were very funny.
Friday we completed the Reading Response Journals. These will be corrected on Oct. 3rd. There should be three full pages completed by then.
Monday and Tuesday the students received a self check list too help them when completing any writing assignment in class. We spent this week learning/reviewing the trait of Voice. This is sometimes a difficult trait for students, especially when asked to create voice in their writing. When students are dealing with Voice they usually encounter inferring. I usually use examples from children's literature to illustrate concepts and then use more grade/age appropriate material to make sure it is properly understood. We read The Paperbag princess by Robert Munch to illustrate inference (ie. It does not say that the princess loves Ronald, but we know that she does. How do we know?). We then use the novel, "The Book Thief" to practice. We also completed 2 different graphic organizers to help us remember the trait.
Wednesday we had our silent reading class.
Thursday we practiced writing with Voice. The students received a character card that included limited information about a person. The students had to write a "Dear Diary" entry from the perspective of that person. In order to do this the students had to infer. We the picked some students to share. These were great and some were very funny.
Friday we completed the Reading Response Journals. These will be corrected on Oct. 3rd. There should be three full pages completed by then.
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